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Incentives & Recognition

Members are recognized for their participation and achievements in 4-H


More Information:

Annual Pins and Stripes

There are annual pins and stripes that members receive for completing projects.  To earn a yearly pin and stripe the following is required: 


Primary Members (5-8 yrs old): 

  1. Member in Good Standing

  2. Participate in a project.  Project completion is not required

Awarded: Pin and White Stripe


Members (9-19 yrs old)

  1. Member in Good Standing

  2. Complete a minimum of 6 hours of project instruction or more as required by the project leader

  3. Complete Annual Project Report (APR) form

Awarded: Pin and White Stripe


Note: Members who also complete the Leadership Development Report (LDR) will receive a Gold Stripe in lieu of a White Stripe.


*Member in Good Standing - Complete the enrollment process and be enrolled in at least one project and comply with 4-H Member Code of Conduct


Project Pins (Arts & Crafts, Bees, Cavy, Cooking, Gardening, Rocketry, Sewing, Small Animals)

To earn these project specific pins the following is required:

Members (9-19 yrs old)

  • Complete a minimum of 6 hours of project instruction or more as required by the project leader 

  • Complete Annual Project Report (APR) form 

  • Create at least 1 Google Slide to show something learned in the project 

  • Participate in the project presentation at the club meeting (preferably presenting the created Google Slide) 

Primary Members (5-8 yrs old)

  • Attend at least 2 project meetings

  • Complete Annual Project Report (APR) form 

  • Participate in the project presentation at the club meeting (talk about the project)

Record Books

Record books are a good way to track activities, reflect on yearly work, and measure achievements and growth throughout your years in 4-H. 


Hitomi Shindo is our point person for Record Books for the club.  You can email her for more info at:


For Junior Members (ages 9-10) and new members, there is the Sparks Ranking Record Book. 

For Intermediate member and Senior Members (ages 11+) there is the Emerald and Impact Star ranking program.

For Primary Members (ages 5-8) there is the primary member Primary Member Record Book or turns in the iSprout Record Book after completing the iSprout/Cloverbuds project (purple star badge awarded by the county)

Sparks Achievement

This is for Junior Members (ages 9-10) or Intermediate (11-13) and Senior (14+) members who have never done the old star ranks record books.

There are 4 levels in the Spark Achievement and a spark pin is earned when a level is completed.  To complete a level, an activity in each of these categories are done: Leadership, Civic Engagement, Project Learning, Healthy Living, Communication, and Community Service.  See the Spark Achievement Program Manual for more information:

The Spark Achievement Complete Record Book includes:

1. Spark Achievement Report

2. At least one APR + Expression Page + Leadership Form (if applicable)

An expression page teaches something that was learned or was interesting in the project

3. My 4-H Story [+ Resume (for senior members)]

My 4-H Story is an essay or video to reflect on your 4-H experiences that year

There is a county competition for Spark Achievement Record Books where you can earn a record book pin and certificate and potentially a cash prize award.

4. Activity Summary (Optional)​

Here's a list of activities and examples that we have done this past year that can count towards Sparks Achievement:

County Event Pin

Attend 5 out of 8 County Events

● Achievement Night

● Field Day

● Presentation Day

● Stills Event

● Food Fiesta

● Showmanship Clinic

● Fashion Revue

● County Record Book competition (for the previous 4-H year)

Alternatives(substitute for 1 county event.):

● 4-H Camp

● County Ambassador Event

● County Fair


Community Pride (Service) Pin

  1. Participate in 6 out of 8 club-hosted (or 5 club-hosted and 1 county-hosted) community donation drives 

  2. 2 service hours for primaries, 4 service hours for others


4-H Hats

Where do you put all these pins you can earn?  The 4-H Green Uniform Hat can be purchased: 

Leslie Carman 4-H Club Supplies

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