Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. What are the monthly community club meetings?
These are monthly club business meetings where our youth officers (they are all kids) run the meeting and exercise their leadership skills. All families are encouraged to attend these meetings and you should try to attend at least one this year just to get the experience of seeing a business meeting. They make motions to approve meeting minutes, treasurer reports, and other club business. We also have guest speakers who talk about their careers, project presentations that give members the opportunity to do some public speaking, and recreation games and STEM activities. This is also an opportunity to meet and socialize with other members and families in the Wildcat 4-H community who are not in your projects.
2. Do the enrollment fees go to the club?
No, the $150/youth enrollment fee goes to Contra Costa County 4-H and California 4-H. These fees are used to pay for insurance, county & state administration staff, and county & state events and programs. The Wildcat 4-H club is run on volunteer power and our income comes from our fundraisers. All the project leaders and adult volunteers are parents of youth members who volunteer to run the projects and activities that we offer.
3. What are the parents meetings?
We have a monthly ZOOM meeting just for parents/adults who would like to get involved with the planning of our programs and events. This is also open if you want to ask questions or find out more about what is going on with the club.